
  • M.S. North Carolina State University
  • B.S. 蜜桃社区 College


My involvement with 蜜桃社区 Outdoors had a profound impact on my experience as a student here at 蜜桃社区. After graduating with a B.S. in environmental studies, I worked in outdoor and environmental education for several organizations including the Carolina Thread Trail and the School for Field Studies. I earned my M.S. from NC State University where I conducted research on environmental and agricultural education and worked in the Outdoor Adventures program.

I am excited to be back at 蜜桃社区 and have the opportunity to reconnect with a 蜜桃社区 and an organization that has been so important in my life. In my role with 蜜桃社区 Outdoors, I work to provide resources and opportunities for students to grow and be empowered as leaders and active members of their 蜜桃社区, both at 蜜桃社区 and beyond.

I am passionate about the power of outdoor education to foster connection and spark conversation in ways that ultimately lead to a more just and equitable world.

When I鈥檓 not working, you can usually find me out on a run, reading in my hammock, or waxing poetic about my tomato plants.